Robin Niedojadlo
Somerset UK
Broadcast media course
GCSE English lit - B
GCSE English Language - B
GCSE Core science - C
GCSE Maths - C
GCSE German - C
GCSE World studies - C
Btec IT level 2 - double merit
Btec Science level 2 - double merit
Creative and Media Diploma level 2 - grades BBB CC
level 2 Functional skills in english - pass
level 2 Functional skills in IT - pass
level 2 Functional skills in Maths - pass
French NVQ level 1 - pass
Currant project:
Recent Projects:
29/03/2013 I directed and filmed a PSA film about cannabis and how it generally affects someone, I used stop motion for just under half the video at 15fps.
19/03/2013: A small team of me and my fellow students setup the filming for a live music concert called unplugged 2013. I helped set up all the cameras on tripods, make sure all the wiring for all the electrics like headsets, camera PSU's were out of the way. when everything was setup I put myself forward as director for the first half and then camera man for the second, we did a rehearsal before the actual event so I could establish some shots with the camera men. as the director, I had a big responsibility because it was a live camera mix, I had to co-ordinate all the shots, make sure the guys on camera knew when they were live and when they are not, also to tell them to get shots that I want.
14/03/2013: This was my first time filming a live event, me and my brother had been asked to make a short promo video for the company "Somerset Apprenticeship awards 2013" I filmed a lot of it as my brother ran out of card space, we had been asked to make a 2-3 min promo video mainly focusing on the award giving. before we started filming we planned where we were going to film and how so we wouldn't be faffing about when we needed to be filming, we made sure we had multiple angles of what ever we were filming as it would make the event look a lot more interesting.
Not so recent:
I did work experience on the Matt Cardle music video "Amazing" where I worked as the clapper loader and for a short time boom operator, I was kept very busy getting drinks for people and helping with the production, when i had a spare moment I asked the RED camera operator about the camera how it worked etc.
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