Structure and Ownership:
this is when one organization is divided up into several different structures, a few examples of ownership structure types would be "a sole proprietorship" which is basically the most common type, it gives you less legal controls and is normally owned by one person or a couple.
Private ownership:
This is when a company or a group of company's are owned by one person for example Rupert Murdoch own various company's like BskyB, The Sun Newspaper.
Public Service Media:
This is a broadcaster that is financed and funded by the public, they are not owned by the state or commercially, Public service media company's are usually the main source of TV or radio in that country, an example of a PSM company would be the BBC, they were the first and the main TV and radio company in Briton that is funded by the public who pay for a TV licence.
this is a very simple term it means a company that does businessmen in many countries, most big media company's will be multinationals, a multinational company like the BBC broadcasts in countries all over the world`along with Sky TV.
this is very simple basically it means a company that is not owned by another an example again would be the BBC as they are funded by the public and are not owned or part of a bigger company, Ofcom the regulatory body (soon not to be) would be another.
A Conglomerate is a business that is involved in more than one type of media,companies that deal in radio, TV, Newspaper. Again the BBC is an example, also newspapers like the Times that print as well as having an internet version. Rupert Murdoch owns a conglomerate as he owns so many different companies in the media.
A voluntary Business is run by volunteers.
Cross Media:

Vertical and horizontal integration:
Vertical integration is when a number of steps in the production of a tv show is controlled by one company, this is so that that company has more power, for example in the production of a film there are mnay differn parts like editing, production, VFX all these steps are controlled by one company or person, each is a different part of the creation of a film.
horizontal integration
This is when one company increases its size, power,market share by taking over another company, a recent example of this is virgin media is going to buy Liberty Global, this will increase their reach on media market.
Share of Ownership
Share of ownership is when more than one person collectively own a company, a example of this is dragons den, two dragons my each have a 15% ownership of the company for the money they invest, this would then be a share of ownership. the advantages of having a shared ownership is that the costs of the company are spread between owners.
Mergers and takeovers
This is pretty much the same as horizontal integration, one type of takeover is a hostile one, this is where the company that is being sold, is going to be bought by a company that they don't like. for example in 2008 Microsoft tried to do a hostile takeover of yahoo which failed. A merger is when one company merges with another for example the merger of Currys and PC world on their own they would have gone into admin, together they became successful.
Cross-media Media regulation
Cross media regulation by ofcom is a good example as they regulate TV and radio broadcasting in the UK, it means a regulation company like ofcom makes sure that programs on TV and radio follow certain guidelines an example where this failed was when Jonathon Ross and Russel brand left offensive messages on Andrew Sachs phone while on live radio, Ofcom have to make sure incidents like this don't happen.
this is a very simple term it means a company that does businessmen in many countries, most big media company's will be multinationals, a multinational company like the BBC broadcasts in countries all over the world`along with Sky TV.
this is very simple basically it means a company that is not owned by another an example again would be the BBC as they are funded by the public and are not owned or part of a bigger company, Ofcom the regulatory body (soon not to be) would be another.
A Conglomerate is a business that is involved in more than one type of media,companies that deal in radio, TV, Newspaper. Again the BBC is an example, also newspapers like the Times that print as well as having an internet version. Rupert Murdoch owns a conglomerate as he owns so many different companies in the media.
Rupert Murdoch |
A voluntary Business is run by volunteers.
Cross Media:
Cross media is when a piece of media is distributed across multiple media platforms, for example TV would count as Cross media as it can be viewed on many devices from TV's, laptops and mobile phones all via the internet which in its self is a platform for media. A News story can be viewed on a few different platforms, the internet and physical newspapers. The BBC is Cross-media company as are of the big TV Channels, quite a few are owned by Rupert Murdoch. Cross-media companies have significant advantages over companies that don't do Cross media as they can get their company seen by a wider audience.
Diversification is when a company for example Virgin start to expand into new areas of media and business, virgin started as a music distributer, they then expanded into a record label, then mobile phones, TV and airlines, now they are virgin media as they cover a wide range of media's.
Vertical and horizontal integration:
Vertical integration is when a number of steps in the production of a tv show is controlled by one company, this is so that that company has more power, for example in the production of a film there are mnay differn parts like editing, production, VFX all these steps are controlled by one company or person, each is a different part of the creation of a film.
horizontal integration
This is when one company increases its size, power,market share by taking over another company, a recent example of this is virgin media is going to buy Liberty Global, this will increase their reach on media market.
Share of Ownership
Share of ownership is when more than one person collectively own a company, a example of this is dragons den, two dragons my each have a 15% ownership of the company for the money they invest, this would then be a share of ownership. the advantages of having a shared ownership is that the costs of the company are spread between owners.
Mergers and takeovers
This is pretty much the same as horizontal integration, one type of takeover is a hostile one, this is where the company that is being sold, is going to be bought by a company that they don't like. for example in 2008 Microsoft tried to do a hostile takeover of yahoo which failed. A merger is when one company merges with another for example the merger of Currys and PC world on their own they would have gone into admin, together they became successful.
Cross-media Media regulation
Cross media regulation by ofcom is a good example as they regulate TV and radio broadcasting in the UK, it means a regulation company like ofcom makes sure that programs on TV and radio follow certain guidelines an example where this failed was when Jonathon Ross and Russel brand left offensive messages on Andrew Sachs phone while on live radio, Ofcom have to make sure incidents like this don't happen.
Product Profitability
In terms of media the product would be a TV show or radio show, on a
channel like Channel 4 if the show (product) was successful then it would gain
advertisers interest which would then make a profit for the show.
Source of
is very simple, most people know what is a source of income is and what
isn’t. Employment – this is where a person who in working for a company
(employee) gets paid a salary or wage by the company (employer)
employment/Free lance – this is the most common source of income in the media industry, free
lance is when you work for people that hire you for a specific job for example
a lot of video editors will be free-lance.
is when their is a lot of choice for a consumer when they are looking to buy a
product or service, for example there are many different TV service companies,
they all sell the same sort of thing but are all slightly different, so sky+
and virgin media, the consumer chooses which type of service they won’t by
choosing one of the companies.
of product range
of a product depends on how much it costs to make and how much it makes back
(revenue). A range of products that are profitable would be something like a TV
service like BT Vision, BT also do broadband and phone, the cost to them to
supply these products has to be cheaper than what they sell it for, this makes
sure that they gain a profit from a range of products or services.
against financial concers
is when a company’s performance is either good or bad due to money problems or financial
Objectives are goals that the company wants to accomplish, these are decided by
the mangers and then passed on to the employees.
and Licensing
is a Business strategy that companies use to gain more market share, it is used
to keep customers interested in their products and brand, one part of the company
will focus on the logo of the franchise another on TV ads, another on toys or
objects of that kind, overall owning a famous franchise can be very profitable
as Disney have realised by buying the star wars franchise from George Lucas,
this means that they have the right to use the anything to to with star wars in
any way they like.
is similar to Franchising except it doesn’t carry as many rules and
regulations, a company might licence the use of a song in advert or TV show,
the company would gain money from the licence being paid for and also the fact
that more people will hear it if it’s on TV which would then make them more
Competitor in the media industry would be a TV channel like ITV would be a
competitor to channel 4 they both do similar types of programs which means they
attract a similar audience, the TV channel competes for the biggest audience on
their shows compared to another Channel.
customer is a person who buys a product from a company, for example someone who
pays for Sky would be a sky customer.
National and
global competition and trends
is where global companies compete to produce products that will take over the
current trend around the world
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