GC4 Know about employment opportunities and job roles in the media sector
A full time job is when you work 40hrs+ a
part time job – when you work a small
amount of the full time job, if the full time job was 40hrs then part time
could be anything between 4 – 35hrs a week.
Freelance (also what is the number one
thing you have to remember)
freelance means – some one who sell their
service to an employer but does not have a contract with them, they can work
with more than one company. REPUTATION
Shift work
shift work is when you work various ours
every week, you could work night shifts one week then day shifts the next.
this is when you enter into a contract with
the employer to say that you will work for them as long as they want you too
for example it could be a 3 year contract, during that time you would only work
for them an no one else, if you did want to finish early and go to another job
you would have to pay the employer for the training of another person.
a temp job is when you work for a set
amount of time usually less than a year, then you have to find another job.
Multi skilled
Multiskilling is when one person knows a
range of different skills but not in much depth.
Voluntary is when some one offers to do work
for free, normally to gain experience.
casual employment is when you work in place
of someone else who might be ill or away, paid hourly.
Hourly paid
someone who is paid per hour
Piece work
amount paid depending on the amount of
units sold, for example if you work as a car sails man then you might have
advice, trade fairs, national press, trade press, personal contacts.
When looking to get recruited for a company
you should first look at careers advice as there are many different companies
that recruit, looking at careers advice will help you decide which company and
which type of job you want to go into. You can go to trade fairs these are very
good for finding out about different companies as they will have stalls from
dozens of genres of work, you would probably find something that you want to
do, this is a god way of meeting actual people who are already in the job as one
or two from each company will be there, you could look in a trade press
(specialized magazine for work) like the broadcastmagazine which tells you all about
the latest news in the media industry, they also will tell you about when trade
fairs are and have a bit of advice. If you have a personal contact that you’re
on good terms with in the industry then you might have a good chance to be
recruited into their company or another as your contact can refer you to others
who can help and so on.
word of mouth, internet), social networking.
Networking is one of the best ways to help
you get a job in the media industry a common saying about networking is “it’s
not what you know it’s who you know” this is nearly 100% correct when it comes
to the media industry, Networking is when you meet somebody who works in the
media or someone who is going to be and not necessarily make friends with them
but show an interest in what they do maybe show them what you have done, get
their email, by doing this they might remember you and you might be applying
for a job with a company that that person is working for and they will help you
get the job, do this every time you meet someone in the industry and you will
slowly build up a network of people that you could probably get a job from or
help you make your own show/film. The Internet Is also now a great way to
network, I would say meeting people in person is better; this is the next best thing
as there are thousands of people on the internet doing exactly the same thing
as you or I are, they might not be in the industry yet but they will be and if
you know say 10 20 or just 1 person then you or I have a better chance in the
future, to find these people look on Google+ there are communities with
hundreds of inde and professional film makers I am in the independentfilmmakers community.
When you do talk to or meet someone in the
industry try to keep on their good side as you could get a job from someone
they know, if you got on their bad side then they wouldn’t remember you and you
could have just lot the possibility for a future job.
Creative jobs are the main ones in the
media industry these are the jobs roles that make films/ TV shows. A few
creative jobs would be script writer, director, D.o.P (Director of Photography)
and story boarder. The Script writer is very creative; to put it in short they
write everything that happens in the TV show, theatre play, film. They mould
the story to what it is, without a good script or screen play you won’t have a
good film overall, it might be show well but it always comes down to the story
of the film, script writing is sort of like writing a novel.
The director is one of the main creative
jobs when on set, they decide how it should be shot and acted, they work
closely with actors and actresses, editors, story boarder if they hire one. The
director has to get the best performance out of the actor, the director will
have to have a good understanding of acting if they want to do this. The
storyboard is designed by the director, D.o.P and story boarder, together the
two directors decide how to shoot it and light it.

Technical job roles in the media industry are
very important during the production stage; job roles include key grip, sparks
and camera operator. The key grip is part of the camera crew they look after
the camera equipment by making sure all the camera’s are all on the correct
settings for the shoot, they make sure all the equipment is there and ready to
be used by the camera operator, make sure they have all the storage devices
that are going to be used in the cameras.
The electricians also known as “Sparks” are
in charge of setting up the lighting how the D.o.P wants it, they make sure
everything is plugged in and power is distributed evenly and correctly
throughout the set. Electricians in the media industry are normally hired onto
more professional sets rather than really low budget productions.
The Camera Operator is both a technical job
and creative depending on if the operator is also the D.o.P. if you are the
camera operator then you will do what the d.o.P and director want, the operator
would also have seen a copy of the storyboard sop they have a clear idea what
exactly needs to be shot and how, a camera operator obviously holds and uses
the camera.
Editorial jobs in the media range from
editing script, video to newspapers. When thing if editorial jobs you would
think video editor, the video editor for a film/TV show/Radio show makes the
show or film what it is, they decide the length of each clip the order it
should be placed the music to be used, in essence they are creating a story as
well as the script writer and director. The video editor normally works with
the director in the editing room as the director will normally have an idea of
how they want it to be edited.
A radio show editor is similar to a video
editor except they work with audio instead of video; the editor of a radio show
takes all the features, links and music and put them in the running order that
was decided, they don’t have as much power with creating a story as a video
editor does, although it does depend on what the radio show is about if it was
a documentary then there would be a story and narrative.
A Newspaper editor is in charge of
reviewing articles written by reporters and deciding which should be included
in the paper and which shouldn’t.
Marketing is a very important part of the
media industry and many others; there are many different job roles with the
category of marketing. People in marketing are in charge of getting a product
or TV show known it’s basically another term for advertising. If you were working in marketing then you
could be planning a marketing campaign to re launch a product, you would plan
to have posters put up in target audience areas TV adverts aimed at the target
audience, organize the company so they go to trade shows.
Managerial jobs have a lot of
responsibility in the media and pretty much every industry. The manager is normally in charge of a team
of people, they make sure everyone is doing their job properly, motivate the
people you’re in charge of, and manage the business or company.
Admin is a office job, they normally sort
mail, send emails, order items the office or company needs, make copies of
Jobs to do with the legal side of media are
normally about copyright and ethical issues also about following guidelines.
A financial job in the media would be a budgeter;
they work out how much everything is going to cost try to get the best deals on
things like camera hire etc, they then work out how much its going to cost
overall, if its under budget then that’s really good, if it’s over then the
budgeter will consult the producer and ask what they can afford to take out.
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