Wednesday, 1 May 2013

29th april - 1st may Video Production

29th april - 1st may

29th april 

on Monday we were ready to start filming, in the morning me and gabe went and took long length video shots of tall building around the college, the reason for this was to speed them up and make a time lapse type thing. during third period we started filming with our actors, grace and gavin, i was on camera, we first shot the scene in the library, this is where grace (representing language students) takes out a few book, she then hears the music. the next shot was of gavin who plays the generic awesome strode student walk through doors in a super hero like fashion, for this I used a tripod on two legs camera technique to get a smooth back track shot and to make the video more professional looking, the next shot grace walks through the doors with her book and joins Gavin and they walk, to get a steady shot on this I used another tripod trick

1st may 

today we filmed another actor scene with a biology student, the student used a microscope then hears the sound of music and throws her pen behind her and she goes to join the others. to film this I used a Manfrotto tripod and a Canon 550D.

I used the same technique as the previous day, slow forwards track that draws the audience in. 

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